Our Leadership

roz jeffery
Favourite Scripture: Luke 7:47 “Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven—as her great love has shown. But whoever has been forgiven little loves little.”
One thing most people don't know about me: I am joy-filled from head to toe (because I know who I am in Christ!)
People that inspire me: All women inspire me!
What makes me laugh: Dry sense of humour
I have been in Tenerife for 33 years, 20 of those being in church! I have a passion for Jesus, studying the bible, and the prophetic and being a self-sufficient grower of vegetables. My heart is to encourage and enable all women to walk out a life with Christ and I spend a lot of time supporting and caring for battered and abused women on the island through the work of SHE which I established 20 years ago. I have been married to Bill for 20 years and have 5 kids, 9 grandbabies and 1 great-granddaughter! When you can't find me working for the Kingdom alongside Bill, I can be found in my greenhouse or tending and talking to my crops on the land!