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Find a Group

There is always something going on at Tenerife Family Church, whether it is an exciting evangelistic event, a fun-packed youth session, a challenging conference, a passionate prayer evening or simply friends meeting up to encourage each other and do life together! Below is a list of the groups that happen regularly, we would love to see you at some of them and remember to sign up to our mailing list and/or follow us on social media to stay notified about all the latest news and upcoming events!

connect groups


weekly connect groups

It is great to meet up with other members of the church mid-week as we spend time in worship and prayer before moving on to looking at the bible in more depth and discussing how to apply it to our everyday lives. It is a great place to share experiences, encourage each other and form close friendships and relationships and of course tea and coffee is involved too! We have lots of different connect groups meeting throughout the week.


Contact Bill to be assigned to the right group for you:



Men's Breakfast

On: Mondays at 10:30am

At:  Localy in Las Chafiras or at Lizzie's Bar, Silencio (meet at Church)

A chance for men to get together, build great relationships and

encourage each other in their walk with God. All whilst enjoying a great fried breakfast.


Contact Bill for more info:



women of purpose

On: Mondays 10:30am – 12:00pm

At: Tenerife Family Church

Join some of the ladies from the fellowship as they gather to build relationships, pray for each other and discuss what was shared on Sunday. All are welcome to just turn up!


Contact Kate for more info:

Image by Jude Beck

soul sisters

On: Various Saturday Mornings, 10:30am – 12pm

At: Tenerife Family Church

Our desire is to discover how to live in such a way that we grow as fierce women in Christ and lead passionately in whatever sphere of influence we find ourselves in. So we meet to worship, get filled with the Spirit and encourage and build each other up in the way that only girls can do!


Contact Roz for more info:



TFC Kids

On: Sundays, 11 am – 12 pm (approx)

At: Tenerife Family Church


We believe children of all ages and abilities hear from God and can experience

Jesus on their own level, so in TFC Kids children under the age of 15 are separated into two groups (young 3-9 & youth 10-15) and are given space and time to learn more about Him and how to recognise his voice. Using a variety of stories, songs, drama, and games, interactive bible teaching is delivered followed by a time of practical application and sharing. We always leave space for a prayer and encounter time at the end, followed by a time for the younger children to choose from a range of craft and play activities which reinforce the key teaching points. Our sessions are flexible, safe and age-appropriate.


Contact Jan for more info:


messy church

On: Various Saturdays, 4 pm – 6 pm​

At: Tenerife Family Church


An event for families with children up to the age of 12 years old where we get very messy and participate in all those messy craft activities that you don't like to do in your own home! Each session typically includes a welcome, a long creative time, a short celebration time involving story, prayer, song, games etc delivered by our youth workers and a sit-down meal together at tables. All elements are centred around a specific bible theme and are appropriate for people of all ages, adults and children. Messy Church is a church for people at all stages of their faith journey and of any age and families that are not typically part of Tenerife Family Church are very welcome. There is a suggested donation of 1.50 euros per child.


Image by Ryan Fields

little angels

On: Tuesdays, 10:30 am – 12:30 pm

At: Tenerife Family Church​

Currently not happening due to Covid-19.


If you have a little one under 3 please come and join us and other parents every Tuesday morning where we get together to support each other and provide a network for families and young parents living abroad and sometimes away from other families! Our sessions begin with general play and chat, followed by a snack time for the kids and ending with a group time of nursery rhyme and singing. There is a suggested donation of 1 euro per child to cover the snack time and the all-important tea and coffee for parents! Little Angels is run by a team of parents from the local community and is not a specifically church-led group.


Contact us for more info:



TFC youth


Coming soon!


Image by Anna Auza

dementia support memory cafe

On: Weds 2pm - 4pm

At: Tenerife Family Church in Silencio

Please contact for more info



prayer meetings

On: Fridays, 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm



Coming soon.


Image by Dylan Ferreira

mid-week prayer and bible study

On: Wednesdays, 6 pm

At: Tenerife Family Church

It is great to meet up with other members of the church mid-week as we get together to worship, pray and bring the needs of the church and local community before the Lord. We then move on to the bible study where we look at the bible in more depth and discuss how to apply it to our everyday lives. It is a great place to share experiences, encourage each other and form close friendships and relationships and of course tea and coffee is involved too!


Contact Bill for more info:

Image by Jon Tyson

prayer ministry

On: Sunday Mornings and/or appointments during the week.

At: To Be Arranged

We always have a prayer team available at the end of the service should you want to chat and pray through any issue. The prayer team usually stand towards the left at the back of the church after the service however if you can't spot them please ask someone to point you in the right direction. Our church pastors and some of the prayer team are also available to meet up with you during the week if you need some prayer support. Everything shared is treated with complete confidence.


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IBIC bible institute

Every Monday at 5:30 pm 

Pastor Bill and Pastor Ros have started the English IBIC Institute at TFC where they teach in depth the gospel and ministry. 

It's never to late to join.



We often host conferences throughout the year (whether led by Tenerife Family Church or Guest Speakers). All are welcome to attend and receive encouragement and equipping and it is great to meet with people from other local churches in Tenerife and across the Canary Islands. Stay notified about any upcoming conferences by visiting our Events page or by signing up to receive emails from us (sign me up - link).

Contact Bill for more info:


Sign up to our mailing list AND follow us on social media to stay notified about all the latest news and upcoming events!

Young Adults

Get in touch

Sunday meetings

Find us

Tel: (+34) 922 784 017

Mobile: (English): (+34) 609 565 528

Mobile: (Español): (+34) 639 426 835

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Tenerife Family Church is partnered with Restore Community Church. Restore is a church network based in the UK, that continues to have a vision to plant life-giving expressions and gatherings wherever there are people with a heart for God, for others and for their community. Click here to hear from the Senior Pastor, Ian King.

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© 2024 Tenerife Family Church. All rights reserved. Website by Carter Translations

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